Discover Exceptional Ford Vehicles near St. Louis, MO, at Suntrup Ford Kirkwood in Kirkwood, MO!

We take immense pride in serving discerning customers seeking outstanding new and used Ford models. Our extensive inventory features a diverse selection of brand-new Ford vehicles and top-quality used cars and SUVs. Whether you're eyeing the Ford Mustang, Ford F-150, or Ford Explorer, rest assured, you'll find the perfect vehicle to suit your unique preferences.


Effortless auto financing and leasing options are available near St. Louis, MO!

Our team of dedicated finance professionals stands ready to assist you in securing personalized Ford financing options tailored specifically to your needs. Whether you opt for an auto loan from our reputable lenders or prefer the convenience of our online financing application, we're equipped to support you every step of the way. Should you have any inquiries or require guidance during the financing journey, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Explore exclusive offers and trade-in opportunities

We extend a warm invitation for trade-ins - bring in your current vehicle for a prompt appraisal, and we'll present you with a competitive offer that can either be applied toward your new purchase or retained for your convenience.


For expert auto repairs and Ford service near St. Louis, MO, look no further than Suntrup Ford Kirkwood!

Our team of skilled technicians handles a comprehensive range of services, from routine maintenance such as oil changes and tire rotations to more complex tasks like brake replacements, wheel alignments, vehicle inspections, transmission flushes, and tune-ups. Take advantage of our exclusive service and parts specials to save on your next Ford service appointment.

Ready to schedule your service appointment or order genuine Ford parts?

Please feel free to contact us - our team is dedicated to assisting you. At Suntrup Ford Kirkwood, we are committed to providing a pressure-free and professional shopping experience, ensuring that you not only find your dream vehicle but also receive top-notch service for years to come. Visit us today to explore our exceptional Ford vehicles near St. Louis, MO!